
Selected publications by categories in reversed chronological order. Authors are listed alphabetically by their last name.


  1. Detector Development and Analysis Techniques for Finding Leptoquarks with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
    Roman Müller
    University of Bern, 2023
    PhD thesis, presented 20th October 2023
  2. Test of the Optosystem for the ATLAS ITk data transmission chain
    D.D. Santo, A. O'Neill, L. Franconi, I. Mateu, R. Müller, L. Halser, S. Juillerat, M. Weber, F. Munoz Sanchez, and F. Rizatdinova
    Journal of Instrumentation, Mar 2023
  3. System tests of the ATLAS ITk planar and 3D pixel modules
    Roman Müller, and ATLAS ITk collaboration
    Journal of Instrumentation, Mar 2023


  1. A facility for radiation hardness studies based on a medical cyclotron
    John Anders, Saverio Braccini, T.S. Carzaniga, Pierluigi Casolaro, Meghranjana Chatterjee, Gaia Dellepiane, Laura Franconi, Lea Halser, Armin Ilg, Isidro Mateu, Federico Meloni, Claudia Merlassino, Antonio Miucci, Roman Müller, Marco Rimoldi, and Michele Weber
    Journal of Instrumentation, Apr 2022