
This is a small project together with my partner with the goal of designing and building a wall clock.

We were inspired, among others, by the popular QLOCKTWO [1] which is showing the time in a calm way. We didn’t want to have a watch that is making sounds, flashes or any other distraction or attention seeking outputs. It only should show the time in 5 min steps with 2x12 hour LEDs and 12x 5-min-LEDs.

The control and supply of the LEDs is done through the microcontroller Arduino Leonardo and an RTC time unit. The Arduino can be steady powered by an USB supply or also via battery adapter. We created a wooden case, which was mostly my partner’s work, which can contain the Arduino, all the LEDs and the soldered wires.

I programmed the Arduino script, which can be found on GitHub [2].

(Pictures to come)