Pseudo Random Pair Matching

This is a fun little project I did for a school at which my partner is teaching. The goal was to match pairs of school classes in a pseudo random process. The pairs were determined by the teachers but should appear random for the students.

So I created a script for an interactive grid-based pair matching game with a visually engaging blinking effect in the web browser. It initializes a 5x5 grid with predefined strings in each field. Users start the game by clicking a button, triggering random blinking across the fields and at the end the script selects and highlights predefined pairs, ensuring no pair is repeated.

A live version of the script can be found here or an example in the GIF below.

An example GIF of the matching showing class names of a public school.

This script demonstrates proficiency in \(\texttt{JavaScript}\), \(\texttt{HTML}\) and \(\texttt{CSS}\), showcasing the ability to create interactive and visually engaging web applications. The students were very excited by the “random” selection process and did not notice the predefined pairs.