Plot gallery

I made this project because I got annoyed from sharing many data analysis results (plots, diagrams etc.) in person-to-person chats. After a while most plots get lost in the chat window and one has to tidously search for them again.

I therefore had the idea of creating a small web-based \(\texttt{PHP}\)/\(\texttt{Javascript}\) script that scans directories for image formats (PNG, JPG, GIF etc.) and displays them in a gallery. The gallery is interactive meaning the images can be enlarged for better inspection and one can download the image in the format they prefer. There is also a small navigation to browse through the different directories. Also a button is implemented to show all images in all sub-directories of the selected directory.

A screenshot of the plot gallery in action. These are silicon carbide results hosted on my CERN website.

This enormously simplified the exchange of results where 100s of plots are generated; I can link to one and the interested reader can also inspect different plots (for example correlations, log axis and so on) if wanted without me resending the plots.