
General Information

Full Name Roman Müller
Date of Birth 10th May 1989
Languages Swiss-German, German, English, (French)


  • 2023
    University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
    • Experimental particle physics
    • development of optical-electrical conversion stage for the ATLAS ITk Pixel data transmission chain
    • Standard Model measurement of di-lepton final states with Leptoquark interpretation
    • Leptoquark phenomenology study for ATLAS ITk
    • thesis title t.b.d.
      • Advisor Prof. Dr. Michele Weber
  • 2020
    Master of Science Physics
    University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
    • Characterisation of the Optical-Electrical Data Conversion System for the ATLAS ITk upgrade
      • Advisor Prof. Dr. Michele Weber
  • 2018
    Bachelor of Science Physics
    University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
    • Calibration and operation of silicon detectors with the Stave0A test setup
      • Advisor Prof. Dr. Michele Weber
    • Minor in mathematics
    • Minor in astronomy
  • 2013
    Supplementary testing to determine eligibility for admission at Swiss universities
    Gymnasium Kirschgarten, Basel, Switzerland
    • (German) Ergänzungsprüfung Passerelle
  • 2011
    Federal Vocational Baccalaureate
    GIBL, Liestal, Switzerland
    • (German) Eidg. Berufsmaturität
  • 2009
    Federal certified electrician
    GIBM, Muttenz, Switzerland
    • apprenticeship lasting 4 years with 4 days work and 1 day of school each week


  • 2018 - now
    Teaching assistant
    University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
    • courses taught
      • Physics practica 1 and 2 for undergrads
      • Physics for biologists, Physics for medical students
      • Modelling Techniques in Physics
      • Introduction to Computational Physics
  • 2017 - 2020
    Zimmerwald Observatory, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
    • Operating of the ground based laser satellite ranging telescope ZIMLat
    • Space debris tracking/searching with telescopes ZIMSmart, ZIMMain and ZIMTwin.
  • 2011 - 2017
    • leading 1-2 months housing renovation projects over semester break
  • 2011 - 2017
    Snowboard instructor
    • giving snowboard lessons from kids to adults
    • mainly around Gstaad, Switzerland
    • instructor courses done in Whistler, Canada and Switzerland

Honors and Awards

  • 1921
    • Nobel Prize in Physics
    • Matteucci Medal
  • 2029
    • Max Planck Medal

Academic Interests

  • Topic 1.
    • Description 1.
    • Description 2.
  • Topic 2.
    • Description 1.
    • Description 2.

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Running, cycling, snowboarding, electronics, computing, design